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This roadmap has been designed to encourage AHPs and student AHPs to think more strategically about career planning and to consider the wider horizon of potential career directions in academia.
It provides more information about the educator role and describes some of the available career pathways for those entering this branch of the AHP profession.
The roadmap also recognises that AHPs are underrepresented in academic leadership for a variety of reasons. It outlines some of the reasons behind this and the steps being taken to address this imbalance.
You’ll hear from AHPs at different stages of their journey in academia, from students to senior leaders, as they share insights and practical advice based on their own personal career trajectories. You can click the info icon next to a speaker at any time to see a short biography.
Finally, you’ll find links to a variety of further resources and support mechanisms to help you plan your career in academia and progress to leadership positions.
We hope you find this resource useful. For further information or feedback please contact:
Professor Marc Griffiths - marc.griffiths@uwe.ac.uk Dr Viv Gibbs - Vivien.gibbs@uwe.ac.uk Professor Alex Palombi - Alexandra.Palombi@rhul.ac.uk Dr Theo Akudjedu - takudjedu@bournemouth.ac.uk
Photo showing AHP leader in discussion with nurses in midwifery unit
Purpose of the roadmap
This roadmap has been designed to:
Support AHPs interested in academia at every level
Clarify the pathways into academia
Demonstrate opportunities in AHP education
Encourage AHPs to think about strategic career planning towards leadership roles in academia
Signpost support mechanisms for further career progress
Photo showing leader using model of head in demonstration to students
Avatars depicting various AHP roles
Who this roadmap is for
The roadmap provides insight and resources across every level of the academic career pathway. As such it should be of use to anyone currently training as an AHP, qualified AHPs working in health and care, and those AHPs currently working in educator roles. It may also be of interest to anyone considering a career in healthcare who is exploring academia as a strategic career goal.
Avatars depicting various AHP roles
Why this roadmap is needed
Our health and care system is facing increasing challenges for capacity, leading to the demand for a greater number of staff to be trained. As the third largest workforce within the NHS, it is well recognised that thousands of additional AHPs will be required by 2024 to meet this increased demand.
To deliver on the supply agenda, the allied health professions need to attract more students, with the majority of these qualifying through pre-registration education programmes.
With more and more students entering AHP training courses, increased numbers of educators are required to train these future professionals. These AHP educators also need to be represented in leadership, to ensure AHPs have a proportionate voice in governance, policy and strategic direction.
Background to the roadmap
This roadmap builds on the findings of two recent reports commissioned by NHS Health Education England. elect a report to view the document (external link which may open in another browser window).